Thursday, August 6, 2015

I'm a Mom


 I've been a mom for 2 months and 3 weeks. Holy cow, that's crazy, I'm a mom....what? I've laughed more than ever, cried many times, smiled until my face hurts, and became just a little addicted to my coffee. But, man oh man is it amazing. I've learned so much already and thought I'd share.

1. I know even less than I thought.
I have babysat many babies  and I worked in the nursery at church for a few years. I knew how to change a diaper, feed and burp a baby, rock them to sleep. I prepared the best I could to be a mom.  I mean I knew everything.....HA!
First off, baby poop? Who knew it could be so many colors and travel so far up a baby's back? Oh, you did? Thanks for the warning. Also, burps are often followed by a fountain of spit up. Burp cloths are not a suggestion, go grab one. While you're at it grab a mop.                

2. Sleep is precious.
That whole "When the baby sleeps you need to sleep" thing that people always tell you? They are so right. The dishes and laundry will still be there tomorrow, just nap. Bonus if you wake up and baby is still sleeping, dishes and laundry get done!

3. Coffee.Is.Life.
I drink that stuff like it's my job. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you've had some coffee.

 4. Don't forget to shower
Let's face it, everyone's happier when you've taken a shower.

5. My Mom rocks (we all already knew that though)
   Thanks Mom for being the kind of mom I want to be.   Thanks for answering all my questions, good and stupid. Thanks for laughing at me and laughing with me. Oh, and thanks for teaching me that water is important and what a good cup of coffee is.

6. Jesus
     I need Him even in things that seem small. He gives me peace, joy, energy (more than coffee!), and patience when I feel like all I want to do is sit down and cry. All I have to do is trust him and do my best and He has grace and understanding where I fail.

8. Lighten up
I never want to miss a precious moment because I'm tired or in a hurry. But, it's easy to get a bit grumpy when things aren't going as planned. I've made an effort to laugh in those times when I'm tempted to grumble. Like when all I want to do is sleep and Abram wants to play at 2.00 A.M. Or when he pees right when he gets in the bath. Lighten up, those moments only last so long. 

9.Dealing With Gross
I hate anything gross. I have at least 3 hand sanitizes in my bag at all times. Boogers, poop, spit up, dirt, EW. I was honestly concerned before I had Abram that I wouldn't be able to handle all the gross that I was going to have to deal with. I don't know what happened but, I can change a diaper with food in my mouth and wipe a snotty nose without gagging. It took a few weeks but, I think I got the hang of it now. 

10 . Being a mom, is pretty amazing
Seriously. Morning smiles, afternoon playtime, and evening cuddles, its amazing. Even on the hard days when he won't stop crying or he doesn't want to be put down, he depends on me and that's pretty neat. Don't you think?

          In the very short amount of time that I have been a mom, I have learned even more than I expected.   I could go on but, I need more coffee. Comment and share what being a mom has taught you! I'd love to hear!            

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