Thursday, April 2, 2015



             This past Saturday I got my Essential Oils Starter Kit. I had wanted the kit for a few months but, the kit is a bit pricey and also, Ty wasn't sure what he thought about the oils. After he did some research on them he became interested to see if they really worked. He also knew that I really wanted to start using more natural ingredients in our home for cleaning and such so, he told me I should get them.  It's now Thursday and I am already so glad that I bought them. I have been so happy with the results and have been using them everyday since I got them.

               On Saturday Tyler went surfing in Carmel with some friends. When he got home, he had a pretty bad headache. Ty isn't one to really complain about headaches or things like that. If he says something about it I usually would offer to grab him some Tylenol and water and if he says no, he usually never mentions it again. Saturday though, he kept saying his head was hurting. I asked if I could put some peppermint oil and some lavender oil on him to see if it would help. He said that was fine so I did. He drank some water and ate a small snack and a little while later he felt so much better. The next day his headache was back so, I got him some water and applied the peppermint and lavender again to his temples and the back of his neck. About 10 minutes later or so he was feeling much better.
               Every morning I wake up with Ty and make him breakfast, and put his lunch together while he gets ready for work. On Monday, I thought I would try diffusing some oils. I tried some peppermint and lemon. I thought it would be a good morning blend! I felt more awake and even energized while making food and such in the kitchen and even felt like Ty was a bit more awake and sharp after breakfast as well.
              On Tuesday morning I went into the kitchen and there were some little ants. When we first moved in there had been ants but we had the house sprayed and we hadn't had a problem since then. I had been told peppermint helps with ants and spiders so I decided to give it a try. Before I used a lot, I wanted to make sure it would work so, I put a drop of oil on a cotton ball and drew a circle around an ant with the oil. The ant wouldn't cross the barrier that I had made with the oil. I then took and put oil on the shelves of the pantry and the door way. I haven't seen an ant in the kitchen or pantry since.

              On Tuesday afternoon, Ty came home from running about 4 miles or so for PT. His shins where bothering him  and he asked if I had any oils for the pain. I put some PanAway diluted in coconut oil on his shins and he never said they were hurting again that night.
              I also wanted to try cleaning with the oils so I started out with the kitchen sink. I wet the sink then put about a tablespoon or so of baking soda and 2 drops of lemon in the sink. I scrubbed with just a regular rag and rinsed. The sink was sparkling! I was so happy with how clean it was that I went and cleaned with bathroom sinks too!.
              I have just been so happy with all the ways we have been able to use the oils in our home and am really looking forward to trying lots of new ways to clean with them and am excited to use them in preparation for Abram coming. I so recommend trying them! I use Young Living but, I know DoTerra is a good brand as well. I'm always pretty careful of what chemicals we use in the house because I don't always react well to different cleaners. It will take time but, I can't wait to start using more natural ingredients in our home! Also, I know this is totally different then what I would usually post but, I wanted to share with you all!